A cookie is a small text file in which brief information about a user’s activity on a website is collected and stored on the device that accessed the site. Cookies are used for various purposes, in order to provide the User with a quick and safe digital experience, allowing him/her to maintain an active connection to the protected area while browsing through the site’s pages; to memorise, in a secure manner, his/her User ID and Password; to personalise his/her home page or identify the pages of the site he/she has visited, in order to prevent them from being repeated while continuing to browse the shop. toscanita.it website, carrying out a scrolling action (so-called scroll down), clicking on a link or closing the warning message on the use of cookies, implies the user’s authorisation to use them, in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this section.
The new EU Regulation 679/2016 mentions cookies only once in the text of the GDPR, in Recital 30: “Natural persons may be associated with online identifiers produced by devices […] such as IP addresses, temporary markers (cookies) or other identifiers. Such identifiers may leave traces which, in particular when combined with unique identifiers and other information received from servers, can be used to create profiles of natural persons and identify them.” Therefore, when cookies can identify an individual through their device, this data is considered personal data.
The cookies used on this website are essentially of these types:
Technical cookies
Necessary for navigation within the site and the use of some of its functions. These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of our website as they allow us to provide the services requested by users and to navigate the site using its best performance. This type of cookie cannot be disabled as it is necessary for the correct functioning of the site.
Statistical cookies
Provided and managed by Google to statistically analyse access to the site. The information is collected solely in an anonymous and aggregate form and no personal user data is stored. You can decide not to use Google Analytics cookies by following the information given at the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=it, or consult the information on data processing by Google Analytics at the following link: https://www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html?hl=it.
Marketing cookies
Marketing cookies are used to target advertising to a user (behavioural targeting). They are often served by third party companies, and track a user across websites.
Each time the user logs in again (within a limited period of time) cookies will be shown to the site, with the ultimate purpose of remembering certain preferences regarding useful information for navigation. No personal user data is acquired by the site. No cookies are used to transmit information of a personal nature, nor are persistent cookies of any kind, i.e. systems for tracing users, used. Should the User wish to block or delete the cookies received by shop.toscanita.it, he/she can do so by changing the settings on his/her browser. Alternatively, you can receive a warning notice when these are sent to you. We use a cookie to remember your preferences in the cookie setting tool; this has a couple of consequences:
– If you delete all your cookies, you will need to update your preferences again when you visit our site;
– If you use a different device, computer or browser to the one you normally use, you will need to let us know your preferences again. The functionality of cookies can be deactivated via the page made available by the EIDAA (short for “European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance”) i.e. http://www.youronlinechoices.com/it/, or by adjusting the privacy settings on your browser.
Without prejudice to the foregoing, it is necessary to bear in mind that deactivating cookies may affect the correct operation of certain sections of the Site.
Each type of browser handles cookies differently. To deactivate them, please follow your browser’s instructions:
Internet Explorer – Operating system: Windows
Google Chrome* – Operating system: Windows / Mac
Safari – Operating system: Windows / Mac
Opera* – Operating system: Windows / Mac
* Referred to the latest browser version. If your browser is not among those proposed, please select the “Help” function on your browser to find information on how to proceed. More information can be found at the following link: AllAboutCookies.org.
For cookies that require consent, the first time you visit the site you will automatically see a banner, containing both the link to this full information notice and the request for your consent to the use of cookies. Consent may be given by the User by continuing to browse and/or by accessing any of the elements below this banner you consent to the use of cookies.
The purposes for which cookies are used on our site are as follows:
1) Performing computer authentication;
2) Session monitoring;
3) Definition of the User profile on the basis of the preferences expressed during navigation; profiling implies the acquisition of the User’s e-mail address.
With reference to points 1) and 2) of the purposes, the installation of such cookies is not subject to the users’ prior consent, as they are strictly necessary to carry out the transmission of the communication on an electronic communication network. With reference to point 3) of the purposes, the user must give his or her consent in relation to the installation of such cookies and any refusal to do so does not preclude, in any way, navigation on the site. The processing will be carried out using automated systems designed to store and manage the data in accordance with the purposes indicated and in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data.
For the above-mentioned purposes, the data may be communicated by Toscanità S.r.l.
– to all parties to whom the right to access such data is recognised by virtue of regulatory provisions
– to our collaborators, employees and suppliers, as part of their duties and/or any contractual obligations with them, inherent to their business relations with the data subjects
– to other companies associated with Toscanità S.r.l.
The data controller, identified in the person of the owner and legal representative of “Toscanità s.r.l.” via Pier Capponi n. 99, 50132 Firenze (FI), guarantees the security, confidentiality and protection of the data, at any stage of the process.
Pursuant to Article 13, paragraph 2, letters (b) and (d), and Articles 15 to 21 of EU Regulation 679/2016, data subjects are informed that they have the right to ask Toscanità S.r.l. as Data Controller, access to the personal data, their rectification or erasure or the restriction of their processing, or to object to their processing, in the cases provided for; Any rectification or erasure or restriction of processing carried out at the request of the data subject – unless this proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort – will be communicated by Toscanità S.r.l. to each of the recipients to whom the personal data have been transmitted. Toscanità S.r.l. may notify such recipients if the data subject so requests. The exercise of rights is not subject to any formal constraints and is free of charge. If you require further assistance regarding your rights, you may contact our contact email reference info.instant@toscanita.it.