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September is coming to an end-and so is summer. After weeks of sports, vacations and sunbathing, it’s time to return to the normal routine: work, school, sports, appointments and various commitments await us. That is why it is appropriate to stock up on energy!

September is the month of restart for everyone, a time to regain balance and re-establish our rhythms and habits.

Among the latter is food, which among bright colors and intense scents helps us regain energy and replenish vitamins and minerals lacking after the summer.

Among the items to be preferred are almonds, citrus fruits, persimmons, apples, broccoli, pumpkin, lentils, chestnuts, grapes, kiwi, … And finally mushrooms, a typical autumn food with an intense and unparalleled flavor.

Mushroom varieties: which are the most commonly used in cooking?

The types of mushrooms are many. Among the most popular mushrooms in the kitchen are porcini mushrooms, Champignon mushrooms, Prataioli mushrooms, Chiodini mushrooms, chanterelles, pioppini, ovoli and finally, the prized truffles: all delicious and recommended in many cookbooks for making delicious recipes.

Mushroom recipes

How to prepare mushrooms and what dishes you can create

Mushroom-based autumn recipes are numerous: sauces, creams, velvety soups, side dishes, pies, risottos, omelettes or tasty pasta dishes.

The options are endless, you just have to choose the recipe you like best, buy the ingredients and follow the tutorial that most appeals to you and you’re done…

Or is it? This is often easier said than done! Choosing, cleaning and cooking mushrooms is not easy and time-consuming. This is why such ingredients could not be missing from Toscanità Instant Pasta’s offerings!

There are two recipes using these delicious ingredients: mushroom Instant Pasta and truffle Instant Pasta. Both delicious are available for purchase in our shop!

Where to eat the best mushroom pasta ever?

Start now to savor the hottest autumn treat: that of a full-flavored dish that you can eat anywhere you want. Perhaps in front of one of the sunsets this season gives us, or in the middle of a forest while admiring a spectacular foliage. With L’instant Pasta Toscanità it’s simple, easy and fast.

Find out how to make it-you’ll see why Toscanità Instant Pasta is the perfect solution for eating with taste!

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